Chapter Twelve – Undone

As promised, Liam dropped me off at my car. I noticed it was getting dark and there was less lighting than I expected. Against my better judgment, but also not wanting to be annoyed by the parenting voices of my friends, I turned my phone back on but left it in my car. It was…

Chapter Eleven- The Great Compromise

I watched his name linger on my screen before it notified me of a voicemail. I wasn’t in the mood. I picked up my phone and rolled it over in my hand. Why couldn’t I relax? What was the big deal? Liam was nice, right? He had never proved himself otherwise. He wanted to go…

Chapter Nine- The Invisibles

I had successfully made it through another weekend without a slice and was feeling pretty good about it. I tried to forget the fact that I was moments away from it when Mitzi called me and distracted me, and I chose to overlook the fact that the only reason I hadn’t cut Sunday after the…

Chapter Eight – The Bloody Few

I hadn’t gone to church that Wednesday as I had intended. I had moments of weakness where I actually believed that something good was waiting for me, but it was always awkward and more often than not I felt like I was under a microscope. It’s like they all thought that I was one of…

Chapter Seven – Cleaning House

​There are two memories of my mom that stand out vividly in my mind, moments that I will never forget, moments that shaped the path of our relationship. The first was when I was nine years old.  I came home from school upset.  At that time our maid was Anna; she was younger and uninvolved,…

Chapter Four – I’m sure it’s nothing

            I had agreed to go to church with Zella and Celeste that Sunday, a week after Robbie got home.  I’d managed to keep my distance from them for those few days so I was feeling stronger, well, more stubborn, which was more like myself.  My mom had kept me busy with social club crap,…

It’s Time

I have wrestled and resisted and walked away from finishing the third and final book of a trilogy that I started years ago. I have started, I've announced, and I've backed out. I apologize. I was trying to produce something before it was time, like a premature birth that had to be placed in a…