Trust and obey

Immediately the words of that song pop into my head, "Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and OBEY!" That's how I've always pictured it too ... Little trust, big obey! Like a school marm with her glasses half way down her nose, looking at me…


I'm alive. Wait a minute. That doesn't sound grateful enough. I'm alive! You can't possibly understand the magnitude of that statement, unless you are one of the six other women who almost died with me! We are all alive and well and more trusting than when our trip began, but let me start at the…

Food for the Body

"So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help...Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, He will still be with you to teach you.…

Double Fisted

I had a shouting match with God.  I'm not one of those that shies away from an argument, and me and God, well, we've wrestled from time-to-time. I've pushed and He's pulled, and I left the match convicted and humbled. But, the other day, it was a shouting match. Double fisted. I waded slowly into…

“And in this corner …”

Today's thoughts rest on Samson, who could very well have been a heavy weight champion!  Interesting story, huh? This guy is born into a vow, consecrated to God and somehow turns out to be the cockiest most dangerous guy on the planet. For instance, after he discovers he's been cheated out of a riddle, he…

Mr. Sandman, give me a break!

Dreams. I hate dreams. Just at the point where I feel myself healing, I'll have a dream, and it will throw me off again. And, I don't know what to do with that.  Dreams are often defined as the thoughts in our subconscious that we play out in our sleep. Hmmm. So how do we…

Where it all begins…

I suppose I could sit down and write a list of wrongs that have gotten me to this point, but the truth is, it would take too long and there's not enough time.  The fact is, I am here.  Not where I wanted to be, without the outcome I was hoping for, but what can a…